Useful reports in Material Management

If someone asks what makes ERP so special? My answer would be the ability to manage inventory. ERP enables us to track live movements of inventory. And if that’s the biggest part of ERP, then we should definitely explore the biggest ERP-SAP.

In this blog, we will know about different kinds of reports in Material Management and how they can help us to track the material’s movement/to manage inventory.

Let’s start with a transaction which will guide you to find available reports in SAP:

Execute SAP1 transaction code


This transaction will redirect you to easy access of the report selection screen, expand any of the above folders, and find out the reports specific to each module.

We will see the reports available in Material Management

SAP1 – Material Management

The reports further sorted with IM, WM, Purchasing and Physical Inventory.

Let’s expand the Warehouse Management – Master data folder:

SAP1 transaction is worth to remember, it will help you to find reports/data easily across any module.

MB51 – Material Document List

This report is used roughly in MM and really useful for a consultant and end user as well for analyzing the movements of material.

Selection screen:


The report can be executed with the various combination of Material, Plant, Vendor, Movement type, and sales order. Which gives us the flexibility to view material movement from various aspects.

In and Out of the Material is colored with green and red respectively.

This series of report keeps going on like this:

  • MB51: Material Document List
  • MB52: List of Warehouse Stocks on Hand
  • MB53: Display Plant Stock Availability
  • MB54: Consignment Stocks
  • MB58: Consgmt and Ret Packag at Customer
  • MB59: Material Document List

MMBE – Stock Overview

This transaction is one of the tools that can be considered as a display at any given moment of information about the stock situation of an individual material. It gives a material stock position on every organizational level along with the information of batches and special stock.

Selection screen:


It can be noticed this transaction can be executed for specific plant and/or storage location and/or batch.

On lower side of the selection screen we can select the display level of stock.

On the left-hand side of this report, the organization levels can be seen. And the highlighted area displays whether the stock is in unrestricted use or blocked under the order or in quality inspection.

So this report will be read like Material 1234 of qty. 20 under plant ABC is in unrestricted use and material 1234 of qty. 50 is blocked in order.

Now we will discuss about the most unknown but most useful report:

MBMAPCHANGES – Report for Moving average price analysis

This report gives us a detailed breakdown of moving average price, how the MVP changes with every movement of material, it can be analyzed in this report.

Execute SA38 and enter the program name MBMAPCHANGES and execute


Selection screen requires Plant and Material number

And here you go with the old price and new price changed with each material document

And this brings us to the end of the blog… we will keep updating this blog with new and useful reports in MM and WM…. Stay tuned.

If you have any suggestions or questions do let us know in the comment section or you can also write us directly. 

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ERP College September 10, 2020 0 Comments

Tips and tricks on Bank Reconciliation in SAP

In this blog post, we will explore Manual and electronic Bank Reconciliation and hidden features in it. I am assuming that you already know the configuration and end-user process of EBS and BRS, if not you can refer this eBook to dive deep into it.

Transaction FF67 is used to post bank statement manually and front screen look like this:


Here bank key and account number have to be entered of the bank for which bank statement should be posted.

But don’t you think, it is too hard to remember the bank key and account number of each bank account, especially when we have a shortcut ID to house bank and account.

So let’s change this:

GoTo Menu – Settings – Specification

Click on the specification


Here tick the internal bank determination

And press enter

And here you go, bank key replace with House bank, and Account ID takes place of Account number

Also Read: Functioning of CO-PA in make to order scenario

Now let’s go to the transaction FEBAN

It is used to post-process the bank statements if in case of any error. But FEBAN is only useful when FF67 is not run in batch input job because in that case system considers that the user somehow managed to do posting and the statements are posted. These are some limitations of ECC because submodules are not consolidated to the G/L

Execute the FEBAN

The Red ones did not get posted in FF67, there is some problem while posting these entries

But now how we can know about the errors? Let’s see:

GoTo Edit – Posting Mode – In Foreground

Here select in foreground option, this will trigger system to perform posting in foreground

Post Item

Then right click on the item and select Post Items


And the document is getting posted in front of our eyes.. look for the error and rectify it.

Read eBook: SAP DME – A Simplified Guide

Do you know we can use interpretation algorithm in manual bank reconciliation as well

It is possible to use interpretation algorithm, where posting rules are assigned to the business transactions. In below path:-

Configuration Path

Execute the node


There are a total of 42 types of interpretation algorithms available to choose from. It is not possible to explain the use of all those here, but you can download this document, where you can find detail explanation of each interpretation algorithm

We will keep updating this blog, as per your suggestions and necessity…. stay tuned.

If you have any suggestions or questions do let us know in the comment section or you can also write us directly. 

Till then you can have look at our ebooks.

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ERP College August 30, 2020 0 Comments

How to play Games like 2048 in SAP?

Get bored migrating the data or writing a bunch of code and need some refreshment, you should know this transaction where you can relax by playing some Games.

May be many of you knows or maybe don’t but yes you can play games in SAP GUI and it is much more user friendly.

So let’s find out how:-

Go to transaction code ABAPDOCU

Yes, this transaction is an SAP’s documentation about ABAP language. We will have a separate blog to discuss how you can use this transaction to learn ABAP or how it could be helpful to the functional consultant.


Follow the below path

ABAP References – ABAP syntax – ABAP Statements – Operators and Expression – Example of expressions-oriented programing


And here you go – Jawbreaker, Minesweeper, and 2048 Game

Double click on the game which you want to play

On the right side of the screen we can see the code written for the game and under the source code we have a execute button – click on it

A new window will be open, allowing you to select size and target of the game

Click on enter

And let’s play…..


Use Arrow key to make tiles move

I know, you know how to play it….

If you have any suggestions or questions do let us know in the comment section or you can also write us directly. 

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Till then you can have look at our ebooks.

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ERP College August 30, 2020 0 Comments

Exchange rate determination in Sales and Distribution

SAP has many if and buts when it comes to determining the exchange rate in a sales order or in billing or transferring billing to accounting. In this blog, we will be discussing about it.

  • Exchange rate at the time of transferring billing to accounting

If a customer billing document is transferred to Accounting, the exchange rate for Accounting (field VBRK-KURRF) is always determined with exchange rate type M, even though a different exchange rate type is maintained in the customer master record.

  • Intercompany billing transferred to accounting

If a billing document for intercompany billing is transferred to Accounting, the exchange rate for Accounting (VBRK-KURRF) and the pricing exchange rate (VBRP-KURSK) are determined with the exchange rate type from the customer master record. However, exchange rate type M should be used.

Customer Master – Sales Area
  • Exchange rate as per coping control

In the copying control for billing documents, as of Release 3.0, there is a switch for the pricing exchange rate. If this switch is set, the system always determines the pricing exchange rate for exchange rate type M, even if a different one is entered in the customer master.

Copy Control

Exchange rates in billing document

There are three exchange rates available in billing

  1. Accounting exchange rate (in header)
  2. Exchange rate for evaluating the price (in line item)
  3. Exchange rate for condition types
  • 1. Accounting exchange rate (in header)
Header Details
  • It is about the conversion of Local Currency and Document Currency for Financial(FI) postings.
  • Customer invoice – If there is a manual entry in the sales order field VBKD-KURRF (Goto -> Header -> Accounting), then it is copied into VBRK-KURRF. Otherwise, VBRK-KURRF is determined during invoice creation from the currency tables (Transactions: OB08, OB07, and OB22) according to the billing date.  It is supposed that manual entry has a higher priority. If there is no exchange rate type set in customer master (KNVV-KURST), then by default exchange rate ‘M’ is taken.
  • Intercompany billing – VBRK-KURRF is always redetermined.
  • It is because sales order and intercompany invoice could have different local currency, so it doesn’t make sense to copy the exchange rate.
  • 2. Exchange rate for evaluating the price (line item level)
Item Details
  • It is about conversion of Local Currency and Document Currency for Price determination.
  • The determination of this exchange rate depends on the setting of “PricingExchRate type(TVCPFLP-PFKUR)” in customizing Copy Control transaction VTFL or VTFA.
  • 3. Exchange rate for condition types
Condition Type
  • It is about conversion of Condition Currency and Local Currency at price condition level.
  • Generally, the system always uses pricing data to determine the exchange rate for the conversion of the condition currency to the local currency.
  • While for the copied conditions, a new exchange rate determination doesn’t happen. If you expect KOMV-KKURS to be determined based on pricing date(KOMK-PRSDT) for copied conditions during billing creation

This is how exchange rates work in sales and distribution. If you want to add something to it, do comment below

Blog contains references from below SAP notes and for more details check these Notes:

1481238 – How are different exchange rates (Price, FI postings and Conditions) determined in billing documents

22781 – Foreign currency rate for accounting, exchange rate type

If you have any suggestions or questions do let us know in the comment section or you can also write us directly. 

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ERP College August 25, 2020 0 Comments

Investing in your personal and professional growth

Investing in your personal and professional growth will not only yield future returns, but it also presents you with ‘right now’ benefits. The time, effort, and money you invest in yourself will have a direct impact on the quality of life you experience now and well into the future.

If you want choices, freedom, and the ability to make a greater contribution, you need to invest in your business and financial results. Money isn’t everything, but it isn’t nothing either. It may not be most important, and you wouldn’t want to trade for anything above, but it’s worth investing in gaining enough—and then more than enough.

“If you think the costs involved in learning are high, you should examine the extremely high business costs of not learning.”

Growth marketer A.J. Agrawal says, “There’re always new skills to learn and techniques to adopt.

And as an SAP consultant, it is important to learn new points on a daily basis, and constructing a palace of knowledge over a period is key to your success. The way SAP is coming up with new technologies, it is always difficult for the consultants to maintain that pace throughout their careers. Learning is a process of life and there is no end to it. It is the greatest quality of any good quality SAP consultant.

Furthermore, you should always willing to share the knowledge, rather than hiding it in your head. Many SAP consultants, lacking this great quality. The more you share, your knowledge would be doubled, unlike money.

“The most successful people in the world understand that they must continuously learn to be successful. For us to live life to the fullest, we must continually look for ways to improve.”

There is simply no vehicle more certain to provide a return that exceeds the investment you make in yourself.

Some of the most successful people alive today attribute much of their success to their investment into their own personal development and wellbeing. Investing in yourself helps to create a strong and secure foundation with which to build on throughout your life and will impact your ability to prosper, perform, achieve your goals, and live to the fullest.

Stay tuned to learn and grow with us.

Note: This blog contains references of other websites.

If you have any suggestions or questions do let us know in the comment section or you can also write us directly. 

Sign up with us to get an update of a new blog post.

Till then you can have look at our ebooks.

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ERP College August 25, 2020 0 Comments