What is SAP Co-Pilot?

Imagine you are sitting on your couch, scrolling through Instagram, it’s 21:00 o’clock, you are done with dinner and planning to go to bed… almost all of the items in your to do list is checked…

And suddenly you realize that you forgot to punch a Purchase order against the purchase requisition raised by IT department. The requirement is for procurement of headsets and it is urgent, the PO should have punched today itself. So you decide to create purchase order…

Now imagine the pain of getting up and reaching to your home office desk/laptop, logging in, connecting through all of VPN and then follow all of the necessary steps to create purchase order without getting distracted by the emails or the messages you may have received.

Now, instead of doing all of this, what if someone do it for you. Like you ask google assistance/Siri/Alexa to set an alarm for you, like you ask them to call xyz person. What if you get a similar bot and you ask that bot to ‘show me all of the purchase requisition created for headset requirement’ and the bot replies you with the appropriate requisition number and a soft copy of that requisition on your smartphone. You check the details of the requisition and then you ask bot to create a purchase order for this xyz requisition… and within few seconds the bot replies you with the created purchase order and soft copy of it….

Wouldn’t it be amazing? If you think it is, then it’s here the bot name is SAP Co-pilot and it can do many more things than what we imagined in above example. Explore more about co-pilot in below video..

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ERP College June 11, 2021 0 Comments

What is Rise with SAP?

Basically it’s an offer, SAP has launched after pandemic. SAP has offered a package of components along with S4HANA.

Rise with SAP is a movement where SAP wants to help customers to move on to the latest technologies with the most efficient and faster way. SAP has divided customers into three categories:

  1. ECC customers
  2. S4HANA customers
  3. New customers

Now there are just so many things out there for new customers as well as ECC customers to choose from and also there are S4HANA customers but all are on different level, some have opted in 2015 some have in 2018 and all of the customers are wondering what should be the next step… this is where Rise with SAP comes into the picture

SAP wants to build an Intelligent enterprise to run and streamline complex innovative scenarios. To help businesses streamline their processes differently with the help of Intelligent suite (i.e. S4HANA) and Industry cloud. It helps businesses to not only became profitable but to be sustainable in long run.

Below slide provides an idea about how SAP will help implementing the Intelligent enterprise:

  1. Help businesses to Redesign business process
  2. Provide necessary Tools & services for smooth migration
  3. Provide Infrastructure, Platforms, Required Application and Network

What SAP is offering in Rise with SAP offer:

Packages included in this offer and how customers can buy this:

S4HANA private cloud edition:

for more information about Rise with SAP watch this webinar.

If you have any suggestions or questions do let us know in the comment section or you can also write us directly. 

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ERP College February 9, 2021 0 Comments

Functioning of CO-PA in make to order scenario

SAP COPA (Controlling Profitability Analysis) has separate process to handle MTO (Make to Order) and MTS (Make to Stock) scenario in SAP. In this blogpost we will discuss how SAP separates these two process and how it impacts the processing of COPA Documents.

Not every time billing document post to the costing based CO-PA. One of the major reason behind this behavior is make to order scenario.

In MTO process the gap between sales order and billing is huge. As the name suggests, in make to order process, personnel need to wait for billing until the product is not manufactured. When we create the sales order it is considered that the revenue is going to generate in the near future but it will not appear in CO-PA until and unless billing is not generated. To fulfill these discrepancies SAP CO-PA provides us the option to post the values to CO-PA before the billing through sales order.


Sales order can be fulfilled by made to order process or made to stock process. In make to order scenario billing document does not posts to the CO-PA.

No CO-PA document generated

In this case we need to transfer the values to CO-PA from sales order by transaction code VA88.

Now how to differentiate MTO and MTS scenarios technically?

It is easy to understand MTS scenario because process is plain in make to stock scenario. But when we create MTO, in this case we have to produce material against specified sales order. Again this is in theoretical terms.

In technical terms to satisfy the MTO case, billing document will have an account assignment tab to a sales order in addition to the PA segment. (Refer attached screenshot of billing document)

Account assignment to sales order

In addition to this, on sales order level field VBAP-KZVBR = E is mandatory.

Also Read: Tips and tricks on Bank Reconciliation in SAP

How to meet above criteria’s?

Materials determine whether sales order is going to be considered as an MTO or MTS. From the material master the requirement type is determined and requirement class from requirement type. In requirement class we do all the necessary configuration, through which system understands or allows CO-PA documents to be posted from VA88 transaction instead of billing.

Requirement Class

Here we have consumption field E which means accounting via sales order.

Because of the above settings we can see on sales order level we get account assignment tab with below details:

Account assignment tab

We can see PA segment has collected characteristics to post into CO-PA documents.

We need to set the settlement rule through which we can settle the values to CO-PA

Change settlement parameter

Settlement parameter can be changes on sales order level as well. (Refer above snapshot)

Settlement Rule: Parameter

Here you can change the settlement profile and PA structure along with the Allocation structure. These changes will be specific to the sales order level.

Click on the settlement hierarchy to get the object number

Settlement hierarchy

Here the object number is 39234280, this number keeps changing when we make changes in sales order or in flow of the sales order. This object number makes sure the order is settled or need settlement. We can check how many times one sales order is settled with this in table AUAK.

Settlement Rule: Hierarchy

Read eBook: SAP DME – A Simplified Guide

How to settle sales order values to SAP COPA?

Until and unless you did not settle the sales order to CO-PA the values will not appear in profitability reporting. Now this seems to be an additional activity, but we have a solution for this too, just stay with us.

To settle the sales order in CO-PA –  go to transaction code VA88

Transaction code VA88 in SAP
VA88: Actual settlement of sales order

Enter the sales order details and execute first in test mode then in production mode and this way we can settle the sales orders to the COPA.

What if wrong values settled to COPA?

The way we settle the order to PA, the same way we can reverse the settlement from VA88.

VA88: Reversal of Actual sales order settlement

Fill the sales order details and click on Reverse from settlement menu.

And the sales order will be reversed.

What if I have to settle multiple sales order with more selection validations?

For the background processing or to settle sales order through background job there is one program which can be used.

RKO7VA88 is used for settling multiple order or scheduling background job for sales order settlement.

ABAP: Program Execution

Execute the program

Program RKO7VA88 in SAP

Here you can see you have a multiple options to select sales order by filtering with various criteria’s.

This program is useful in scheduling background jobs, in so many projects almost most of the clients go for automation in sales order settlement. To achieve this requirement you should have the knowledge of how to schedule a background job. You just need to simply create a selection variant with dynamic date in this program and use this variant in a background job.

What if I have to make the minor changes in CO-PA document?

You can also post the manual line items in CO-PA with the transaction codes:

KE21/KE21N – Create document

KE23/KE23N – Display document

KE21 – Create Document

KE21 Transaction code in SAP
KE21: Create line Item

Enter the reference document number and create line item, you can also post negative values in the CO-PA.

What if I have to change the data in CO-PA?

You have two options to change the existing data in CO-PA

  • Use transaction KE4S – this transaction reverses a COPA doc and repost it with reference to billing document.
  • Use KEND transaction – it simply changes the values w/o any repost. E.g. If customer 1001 is tagged to customer group XYZ from 1st Nov Onwards and you want all old data to get reassigned to XYZ instead of ABC, then you use KEND

You can also watch below video post of this blogpost:

Thanks for reading the blog, if you want to learn CO-PA more deeply and want know the tips and tricks, which will be helpful to solve or analyse CO-PA issues more efficiently, then you can read this amazing book Controlling – Profitability analysis (CO-PA): Comprehensive coverage of the SAP CO-PA module

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ERP College December 26, 2020 0 Comments

GST India – E-Invoicing

1.     Introduction

GST E-invoice is introduced to reduce the evasion of GST. It is an electronic invoice generated by supplier on the government portal. It is mandatory to issue e-invoice for Business to Business (B2B) transactions provided that the supplier has crossed the threshold limit of 500 crore turnover in previous financial year.

E-invoice solution provided by SAP:

For more details refer OSS – 2884058 – SAP solution for eInvoice/IRN India

SAP has provided two solutions for eInvoicing

  • Automated Solution

This is a solution developed by SAP which will provide direct integration between the SAP and the eInvoicing (IRN) via certifiedGSPs using the SAP Cloud Integration Platform. 

GSP:  GST Suvidha Provider (GSP) is considered as an enabler or authorised intermediary for businesses to access GST portal services.

In automated solution user has to upload the invoices from SAP, then in the backend it will be send to IRP portal via GSP and generate an 64 digit IRN (Invoice reference number) along with signed QR code; returned it back to SAP and assigned to the invoice or stored in the database.

  • Manual Solution:

SAP manual process will read the response file and store the information of IRN, QR code & digital signature in the standard table and it will link the original invoice with IRN along with the current status in the table. The preparation of a standardized format (JSON request file) needs to be generated offline by the customer.


In eInvoicing solution SAP has introduced the cockpit to manage the all activities related to edocument. How to use it and what we can do with the cockpit we will see in below part:

Execute transaction code EDOC_COCKPIT

Below screen will be prompted:


Default variant is executed in the background after executing the cockpit

To change the variant value click on Change button:

We can use above parameters to filter the edocument

In the cockpit there are only two status of the document on broad level


In process


Once the status is completed, there will no further processing can be done on the document.

To generate an edocument and get IRN number select the document:

And click on the submit

That’s it, within couple of seconds system will reach to the IRP portal and generate an IRN number and get back to the SAP

You can notice even after generating an edocument status is still yellow (in process)

Scroll to the extreme right to see the Invoice Reference Number

The highlighted number is the 64 digit alpha numeric IRN

Cancellation of IRN

Cancellation of E-document is only possible if we are cancelling it before 24 hours and the invoice is not finalize in the SAP

Select the E-document and click on Cancel eDocument

Enter the cancellation reason code from below available options:

  • Duplicate
  • Data Entry Mistake

Click on save

And the edocument does not get cancelled, to check the error select the document and click on ‘goto’ button

Click on application log

Errors and checks

Duplicate IRN:

IRN will not be generated for invoices with identical key parameters (Eg: Supplier GSTIN, Invoice Number/ODN, Document type, Financial Period, etc.). In case there are invoices generated with identical ODN, assign a separate number range in the view EDOINEWBCONFIGV.

RCM cases:

IRN is only required for B2B RCM invoices from the supplier perspective and not from the buyer and receiver perspective as this is not a legal requirement and there is no API available for the same in Govt. portal.


After finalizing, no action can be performed on the e-Document. The status color will be green once finalizing the e-Document is done.


According to govt, IRN cancellation can only happen within 24 hours of its generation. Any cancellation after 24hrs could not be possible on IRN, however one can manually cancel the same on the GST portal before filing the returns.

If the source document needs to be canceled in SAP post 24 hours of IRN generation:

  1. Perform the ‘Cancel eDocument’ action under ‘More’ in EDOC_COCKPIT and it should fail with the error “Error Code 2270: The allowed cancellation time limit is crossed, you cannot cancel the IRN.”
  2. Use the ‘Allow Cancellation’ action under ‘More’ in EDOC_COCKPIT to enable the cancellation of the source document. The status will be changed to ‘ALLOW_CANCEL’ to allow source document cancellation.

Note: This does not have any impact on IRP portal data and only allows to cancel source document in the SAP system. After canceling the source document, ensure to cancel the outward liability while filing GSTR1 returns.

Below customer categories requires to generate edocument.

GSTIN / UIN Status

Tax Payer TypeGSTN StatusCustomer Category
Tax DeductorActiveB2G
SEZ UnitActiveSEZ
SEZ DeveloperActiveSEZ

This blog will be update time to time as this is new thing in India and government seems to be serious with the edocument concept looks like we will see more changes in near future.

Sign up with us to get an update of a new blog post.

Till then you can have look at our ebooks.

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ERP College November 28, 2020 0 Comments

Ways to find Tables and Transaction codes in SAP

One thing is for sure that we cannot remember every table and transaction related to any or all modules, and processes. So to make there are couple of ways which we can use to find out T-codes and tables without knowing anything.

1.    From scratch

If you don’t know the tcode or table you are searching for then the transaction SE16T will be useful for you.

Here let’s say for example, you have to find out the tcodes related to the production order

Go to SE16T


Double click on the Find Transaction – Execute Function

On the left hand side a new option will be visible at the top, which is to search transaction term.

Now in the inputable search field we will enter ‘Production Order’ and press enter

And here you go, there are 45 transactions displayed which description contains name of the searched term.

If you look at the result it is much satisfying, this SE16N can be very useful, if we remember it and used it instead of wasting time on Google to find transactions.

Same way it works for tables, in SE16N double click on the Find Tables – Execute Function

Press enter

And we have the all tables related to accounting.

2.    From fields

This is very common way of getting the name of the tables. All we have to do is to press F1 in the field of the document.

For e.g. in Accounting document we need to check in which table header data of the document is recorded.

Select document number field and press F1

Click on the technical information

In the pop up window highlighted field usually contains the name of the fields.

3.    From the structures

Now in above scenario not all the time we get the name of the tables by pressing F1 on the field, many times we only get the structure names.

So in this block we will try to figure out, how to get table names for the fields in structure

For e.g. if we similarly go into the MIGO transaction and try to search for the table for header level of the document by pressing F1 – Technical information, we will get the structure ‘GOHEAD’

Double click on the structure GOHEAD

We will get the list of fields in the structure, now suppose we want to know the field MBLNR is used in which tables à then double click on the field


Select where used button

Tick the table fields option and press enter

Below window will pop up with the list of tables which contains the material document number field

The list will be alphabetically arranged.

Okay so I hope you enjoyed reading the blog, and hope you learned something new.

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ERP College November 9, 2020 1 Comment