How to play Games like 2048 in SAP?

Get bored migrating the data or writing a bunch of code and need some refreshment, you should know this transaction where you can relax by playing some Games.
May be many of you knows or maybe don’t but yes you can play games in SAP GUI and it is much more user friendly.
So let’s find out how:-
Go to transaction code ABAPDOCU
Yes, this transaction is an SAP’s documentation about ABAP language. We will have a separate blog to discuss how you can use this transaction to learn ABAP or how it could be helpful to the functional consultant.

Follow the below path
ABAP References – ABAP syntax – ABAP Statements – Operators and Expression – Example of expressions-oriented programing

And here you go – Jawbreaker, Minesweeper, and 2048 Game
Double click on the game which you want to play
On the right side of the screen we can see the code written for the game and under the source code we have a execute button – click on it

A new window will be open, allowing you to select size and target of the game
Click on enter
And let’s play…..

Use Arrow key to make tiles move
I know, you know how to play it….
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